
Apply now for Sponsorship Funding

Applications are now open for the 2024 Sponsorship Fund, designed to support community groups to deliver and improve their services, programs, initiatives or facilities.

Sharing the benefits

Right from the outset of this project, Wind Prospect has been committed to ensuring that those living closest to the proposed wind farm can share in the benefits. The valuable information provided by residents and other key stakeholders, either directly or via the Community Engagement Committee (CEC), has helped shape the development of a range of benefit-sharing initiatives proposed as part of the Willatook Wind Farm project, including the below:

Neighbour Benefit Sharing Program

Under this program, all eligible neighbours (who own a dwelling within six kilometres of a built turbine) will receive a one-off construction payment of $1000 and between $1,000 and $30,000 annually, depending on the proximity to wind turbines.
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Energy Cost Offset Plan

Designed to offset the cost of electricity for neighbouring dwellings. It has an annual value of up to $2000 and will be available to eligible residents located within six kilometres of a constructed wind turbine.  

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Community Co-investment Program

This program would provide an opportunity for community members and organisations to invest in the operational project and participate in the financial benefits.
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Community Benefit Fund

The Fund is expected to contribute up to $1,000 per year per turbine (up to $59,000), for the operating lifetime of the wind farm.
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Community Sponsorship Fund

The Fund has been established to support local community groups during the project development phase, with up to $20,000 in sponsorship funding available per year to eligible organisations and community groups.

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Neighbour Benefit Sharing Program

Wind Prospect has gained feedback from residents to better understand and address their needs. As part of the Program, owners of dwellings and/or operating retail premises within six kilometres of a constructed turbine, will be eligible for annual payments of up to $30,000 per annum.

Wind Prospect would like to thank everyone who provided their feedback. This input has helped shape the revised Neighbour Benefit Sharing Program, which aims to ensure the financial benefits of the project would be shared with residents living closest to the wind farm. The Program would commence at the commissioning of the wind farm and continue annually for as long as the relevant turbines are operational.

The below graphic illustrates the proposed payment structure. For more information including eligibility, terms and payment details, please download the proposed program flyer or contact the Wind Prospect team.

Community Engagement Committee

A Community Engagement Committee (CEC) was established by the Moyne Shire in October 2010 to provide a forum for consultation and information sharing about the project between Wind Prospect and the local community. The CEC comprises two Moyne Shire Councillors, three members of the community, and Wind Prospect. Meetings are held several times a year.

Community engagement

Public consultation for the proposed Willatook Wind Farm commenced in September 2010 during the very early stages of planning and feasibility assessment. Newsletters have been distributed periodically to all residents and owners of land within 10km of a proposed wind turbine location as well as to other stakeholders.

In September 2010 and again in August 2017, Wind Prospect staff knocked on the doors of all dwellings located within approximately 3km of a proposed wind turbine location. If residents were not home, a ‘sorry we missed you’ pack was left behind which included a newsletter and contact details.

Information Sessions were held in July 2019 to present information about the project and seek feedback from the local community.  The posters used at these sessions were used to produce an Information Booklet, which was distributed to homes within 10km of the proposed wind farm and can be downloaded from the link further down this page.

During October to December 2019, a shopfront in Koroit was established to provide a further opportunity for anyone to pop in to discuss the proposed wind farm.  The shop front was open for one day per week over a 12 week period, or by appointment.

In November 2019 and again in February 2020, Wind Prospect staff knocked on the doors of all dwellings located within approximately 6km of a proposed wind turbine location. If residents were not home, a ‘sorry we missed you’ pack was left behind which included contact details.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impacted the ability to carry out in-person engagement activities throughout much of 2020 and 2021. However, during this time, a virtual presence was maintained through the project website, email and phone, updates provided to the community engagement committee, and project update newsletters were distributed in June 2020, April 2021, September 2021, December 2021 and March 2022. Virtual community engagement committee meetings were held in August and December 2020, March, August, October 2021 and with two in person meetings in May 2021 and February 2022.

A community drop-in session was held at Orford Hall in late March 2022, where people could speak to the project team about the project and the EES. An online webinar was also held in early April 2022 where some of the key specialist consultants presented on the outcomes of their assessments, and community members could ask questions.  


Wind Prospect Australia

Have your say

Your input, feedback and views on the proposed Willatook Wind Farm are important. We genuinely want to hear what you have to say and your opinions can lead to improvements to the project design. If you are simply after more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch – that’s what we’re here for.

Wind Prospect has established the following lines of communication and encourage you to contact the Willatook Wind Farm team.

  • Toll free number: 1800 934 313
  • Email:
  • Local community presence: We have a dedicated regional local Community Engagement Officer you can contact on 1800 934 313​
  • Information sessions are held at times throughout the project  
  • Project opinion surveys: Opinion surveys can be completed online at any time and are located here

Personal information will be treated as private and confidential and will not be passed to any third parties not involved with the wind farm.