Willatook Wind Farm Sponsorship Funding

Supporting the local community

Wind Prospect is pleased to support a range of projects and programs through its Sponsorship Fund, including the below recipients:

Friends of St Brigid's, Crossley


The Friends of St Brigids Crossley committee reached out to the Willatook Wind Farm Sponsorship Fund in their efforts to ensure the buildings are well maintained and continue to serve the community they were built for. The interior of the church is in very good condition and needs the protection of a sound outdoor structure. The spouting needs urgent replacement as water is flooding into the porch. The new spouting will be similar in shape and colour to the original spouting. When this is completed, the ridge cap can be replaced and other flashings installed as required.

Koroit Football Netball Club


Willatook Wind Farm is pleased to have been able to assist the Koroit Football Netball Club in acquiring two new electronic scoreboards, one for each netball court at Victoria Park. The new scoreboards will assist in providing a professional approach to the netball games for girls and women in the league.

Hawkesdale Macarthur Football and Netball Club


The Hawkesdale Macarthur Football and Netball Club requested support from the Willatook Wind Farm Sponsorship Fund to replace one light each at their Hawkesdale and Macarthur ovals. Football training with the old lights was near impossible, and with many kids around the club during training, the lack of lighting was also a safety concern. The lights are not just used by the club, but utilised by the cricket club for training as well.

A huge thank you to Wind Prospect for your generous support of our great club. Thank you for your continued support – Will McDonald, HMFNC President

Basalt to Bay Landcare


Basalt to Bay Landcare received community sponsorship funding to purchase two remote sensing cameras, batteries and SD card for its biodiversity monitoring programs at The St Helens Flora Reserve. This enables the group to replace current cameras that are more than 10 years old and continue to monitor biodiversity in the reserve, conducted under permit of Parks Victoria. These cameras monitor the reserve that is home to the Southern Brown Bandicoot in west Moyne Shire.

Orford Vintage Rally 2023


Willatook Wind Farm was delighted to support the Orford Vintage Rally and  Southern Vintage Engine & Tractor Pull Association with community funding. Funds received helped the not-for-profit group to deliver a safe and fun event in the local community.

Hamilton Scout Group


Hamilton Scout Group applied to the Willatook Wind Farm community sponsorship program for funding that would complete their fundraising efforts and allow them to purchase a new equipment storage shed. The shed will provide safe and easy access to its Scouting equipment. This project was the result of incredible fundraising efforts by the Group that included support from a Federal Government Grant, the South West Community Foundation, Lions Club of Hamilton Raffle, the Australian Lions Foundation and Scouts Victoria.

Port Fairy Little Athletics Club


Willatook Wind Farm has sponsored the Port Fairy Little Athletics Club to purchase a new electronic starting system. The addition of this new equipment means that 100+ young athletes from townships within the Moyne Shire will have access to facilities that are comparable to other Little Athletic Victoria Centres around the state.

Port Fairy Cricket Club


The Port Fairy Cricket Club has received funds through the community sponsorship program. Funding will be used by them to make improvements to the cricket net area. The nets are used all year round by club members and enjoyed by people living in the area. 


We’ve Got You Inc


We’ve Got You Inc supports families in south west Victoria who have experienced the loss of a child. This sponsorship funding will assist the group to establish a bereavement room at Southwest Health Care. We’ve Got You Inc is also working to provide bereavement training to healthcare workers in the region. We’ve got you Inc is supported by Southwest Healthcare and The Royal Children’s Hospital.

Port Fairy Consolidated School


Willatook Wind Farm community sponsorship program has supported Port Fairy Consolidated School to purchase a PA system that will help deliver fundraising events throughout the year in the community, while raising funds along the way for the school. This new equipment will also be used in their Performing Arts program to create learning opportunities for many young actors.

Port Fairy Agricultural Society


The Willatook Wind Farm sponsorship program has helped the Port Fairy Agricultural Society to purchase a new public address system, to be used as part of the Port Fairy Agricultural Show.  The system will also be used by local groups for events that are held at the showgrounds.

Orford Community Hall Committee


Willatook Wind Farm awarded the Orford Community Hall Committee a $5,860 sponsorship that will be used to fund the replacement of external doors of the hall and main entrance, which are in poor condition. This work will ensure the hall is secure, safe and in a condition for use by the local community. This work is also supported by the Moyne Shire’s Community Assistance Fund.

Friends of St Brigid’s


The Friends of St Brigid’s is a community organisation that acts as the caretaker of St Brigid’s Church in Crossley. The group manages the precinct and coordinates a variety of grassroots community groups and events, including community music, 15 Minutes of Fame, Christmas Carolsand Irish Dancing.The group requested $7,495 to purchase a second-hand piano and trolley for use by budding and experienced musicians. 

Orford Table Tennis Association


The Orford Table Tennis Association has been part of the community since the late 1950s. With a regular group of competitors, the association runs a pennant competition every year.

When the current restrictions are lifted, our funding of $1,620 will be used by the group to contribute to the recent increase in the Victorian Table Tennis Association affiliation fees, reducing fees payable by their members.

Koroit Irish Festival


The Koroit Irish Festival is a celebration of the town’s rich Irish heritage. Thousands of people converge on the town each year for a three-day festival of music, dance, and entertainment.

We have provided $5,000 to the festival for the purchase of portable tables and chairs. Although the festival has had to be cancelled in 2020, the equipment is there to be used at the next festival, which we have no doubt that everyone will be looking forward to.

Koroit and District Basketball Association


The Koroit and District Basketball Association offers a variety of levels of competition, from junior programs to an open mixed competition. There are more than 250 participants throughout the week, ranging from young children to adult basketballers. The association fields a number of squad teams each year, who play representative basketball at competitions in Victoria and South Australia. We are thrilled to provide the organisation with $4,500 for new basketball tops.

Koroit Cricket Club


The Koroit Cricket Club applied for funding to support its plans to install a recycled PVC picket boundary fence to the Jack Keane Oval. A turf wicket on this oval is used for cricket games and the fence provides the oval with clear definition and separates the play from spectators. This $4,000 was combined with other funding sources to complete the fence. 


Port Fairy-Warrnambool Rail Trail Committee of Management


Port Fairy-Warrnambool Rail Trail Committee of Management manages and maintains more than 24km of Rail Trail and its associated infrastructure.  We contributed $3,000 towards the purchase of a mower to enable them to more efficiently maintain the easement either side of the Rail Trail.

Hawkesdale Macarthur Football Netball Club


The Hawkesdale Macarthur Football Netball Club is sourcing funding for a second netball court at the Macarthur Recreation Reserve. Willatook Wind Farm has provided $5,000 for the drawing of plans, shire permits and planning consultant fees to prepare for the project. 

Local family in need


Assistance to a local family who lost their home and belongings in a house fire.

Willatook Hall Committee


The Willatook Hall Committee applied for funding to trim trees around the hall. The Willatook Hall – which dates to 1933 – had a protective plantation of trees on the south and west. Initially screened by pine trees, these were replaced with indigenous species in 2003. This grant has enabled the leaning trees to be removed and the pruning of those that remain.

Have your say

Your input, feedback and views on the proposed Willatook Wind Farm are important. We genuinely want to hear what you have to say and your opinions can lead to improvements to the project design. If you are simply after more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch – that’s what we’re here for.

Wind Prospect has established the following lines of communication and encourage you to contact the Willatook Wind Farm team.

  • Toll free number: 1800 934 313
  • Email: info@willatookwindfarm.com.au
  • Local community presence: We have a dedicated regional local Community Engagement Officer you can contact on 1800 934 313​
  • Information sessions are held at times throughout the project  
  • Project opinion surveys: Opinion surveys can be completed online at any time and are located here

Personal information will be treated as private and confidential and will not be passed to any third parties not involved with the wind farm.